I don’t know that problem you have. One thing
I have learnt is that worrying never solves anything. Worry takes away from
you. You thinking and brooding about that problem over and over, crying over
it, shaping your whole life around it won’t make it any better.
Worry is like a monster. You give it power
over you. It takes over ever part of your life and affects everything else. It blocks
your view from seeing what you have and should be grateful for. It is human
nature to think about a problem but don’t let that problem consume your life,
your day and nights.
Worry feeds on your life. It makes and
creates a mountain out of a molehill. Before you know it, it drags other
monsters in for you such as; sleeplessness, weight loss, high blood pressure,
depression, suicidal thoughts, fear, an illness etc.
Are you a worrier? Did worrying solve the
problem for you? It never does. Worrying blocks you from enjoying other aspects
of your life; it blocks you from seeing solutions to that problem when they do
appear. It clouds everything else in your life like a dark cloud.
It’s hard not to worry. Ever prayed to God
about it, trust Him to solve it and let go? I know that’s hard because
sometimes you pray for weeks, months, years etc. That’s where your faith comes
in. Let go and let God.
If you are not Christian or you are and
thoughts of your problem keeps coming back, push it far from your mind, find
other things to occupy you and more pleasant things to think about. If the
thought of the problem enters your mind when you are not thinking about it, that’s
the worry monster knocking. Think if you have solutions for it, if there is
none, say “I can’t do anything about you so; I refuse to worry about you.
Things will get better someday soon.”
Truth is when one problem in life gets
solved, another might still come. You shouldn’t keep worrying yourself to
death, all through your life. Tough times never last. Be a warrior not a worrier.
Don’t be a worrier, it gets you absolutely
nowhere. This is a reminder to me and to you reading.
Thank you for reading my thoughts. What are
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