
Thursday, January 6, 2022


I have an old post relating to this ; REVELATIONS

  Thought about it again when I read somewhere online about a woman complaining about her marriage. She said all the pastors and prophets had told her to go ahead that he was the one. Now, she wonders if God hated her to have given her such a husband.

  Reminds me of a time in my life, I didn't go asking. I was told the person I was seeing at the time was the one by two people. I tried to believe it but couldn't. How could God give me this man? I knew I was going to be unhappy as this person's roving eyes were on a different dimension, chai! . We were having issues. I doubted that prophecy and I felt bad that I did. I waited to see if God would change the person to fit into the supposed prophecy. It was a toxic relationship situationship and the worst pains in my life were linked to this person. No peace of mind, at all. A roving eye goes with lies and insincerity and other things. All things I hate with all my being. I truly loved this person but...

  I just kukuma said, " God, either this prophets are blind or the devil is setting a trap for me. I will rather be happy alone than here. I reject and bind this one biko. If this prophecy is real, I don't have to be here. You can do your miracle in the person's life. If this is the only man in the world for me then the single life sure looks amazing and dreamy."

  That's how I let that one go. Looking back, I would have been very very unhappy . Yes, I'm still single but I'm happy. It's a billion times better than the hell I would have been in if I had listened to the prophecy.

 When prophecies are given about someone being the one for a man or a woman, I think it's left for you to choose. God did give freewill. Some see signs that the man or woman won't be good for them but they latch on to what the pastor said blindly and refuse to see the faults, hoping and believing that it will change in marriage.

  So, do you know anyone that went with what a Pastor said and was happy there? Did you go with what a pastor and prophet said and are you happy there?
Do you believe in pastors and prophets telling you who to marry? What are your thoughts?


  1. Well, I must say that knowing the voice of God for yourself and by yourself is very essential. However believing your pastor (especially if he is of God) is as well essential. When you know what God is telling you concerning a situation, whatsoever your pastor will tell you will be a confirmation of what God has already told you otherwise that's not God because the Spirit of God is one

    1. Hi Unknown,
      So true, knowing the voice of God for yourself is very essential. True too about confirmations, it should be an added confirmation not the sole confirmation.
      Thank you so much for sharing.


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