
Wednesday, November 21, 2018


The Bible says that God loved the world so much,  He sent his son to die for us. It also talks about Love being the greatest commandment and the biggest thing in the world. We were saved by love and all that. Then 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 speaks glowingly about love.

So love should be the greatest and best thing in the world right?

I have heard a lot of married men and women say things like;

"Love is not enough in marriage o."
"There are more important things than love if you want to get married."
"I made a big mistake marrying someone i love."
"Marry someone that loves you more than you love them."
"Don't marry someone you love."
"Love will not keep your marriage o. That one will die."
"Thank God, I didn't marry for love."
"Who love help?"
"Our mothers and fathers didn't marry for love and they are still together. People marry for love now and before you remove asoebi they have divorced."

I have no thoughts on this, I would love to hear yours so I can learn. What do you think? Are they right? Is love not important in marriage? Is marrying for love wrong?

What are your thoughts? You could share anonymously by selecting the anonymous ID in the comment section. Thanks.

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  1. I just read it. Emotion changes over time. What most people call "love" is a chemical event in the brain that makes you have a fantasy idea of a person. True love is a choice. If you see the Bible says "love is kind, love is patient..." It does not say "love makes you want to be kind..." So, there is a misconception about marrying someone you supposedly "love."

    1. Hmmm. You do have a point UIO. What is love to the other person. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Love is important in marriage oh cos u must love a person to be able to tolerate their excesses. I m part of those that believe a lady shud marry a man that loves her more than she loves him cos over time d man's love may diminish a bit n hers LL keep growing . Most pple confuse attraction n infatuation for love hence d claim dat love dies.

    1. Hi Anon, hmmm so true at that claim of love dying.Does the love increment work for every woman? If his love diminishes then was it really love?
      Thank you for sharing.

  3. Heres my 2cents on this; since you made reference to the bible, I will.
    1. Love is a choice we make... The bible says Men love your wives as Christ loves the church. There was no admonition to marry who you love but to LOVE WHO you marry. See the good in them, see Christ in them and love them for it. No one is unlovable. The devil is the father of lies and is incapable of love. When we begin to get petty, irritable and quick to anger these are a means the devil uses to get into your home and do what he is known for. People need a better role model of what love is.
    2.In loving women need to be believe in their man. "Women be submissive to your husband" A marriage is a bigger relationSHIP with just 1 captain needed. A man doesn't see the beauty in an always nagging,disrespectful and angry woman he will rather not home. Bible say"It is better to sleep on the fence than lie in a mansion with a nagging wife.
    3. When every party plays their roles in love and trust whilst making up for the other person's shortcomings. There's a balance.

    1. Hmmm. So true at everyone is lovable but humans have preferences I guess. Jesus? @role model.
      Hmmm, I think both should be submissive. It shouldn't be a master slave scale.
      True, everyone should work together in love.
      Thank you for sharing, Sandra.

  4. I just think most people don't really understand what the definition of love is. Dictionary defines love as a strong positive emotion of :affection or pleasure. The use of "positive" means that you have to mean the other person good, the affection and pleasure must have a positive outcome. Live is also defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. The use of intense here signifies that For you to say you love someone, the feeling has to come from deep deep in your hear and even soul For those who believe in the Bible, it says love is patient,kind, it does not envy, it does not boast,it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking etc Therefore, if you say you love someone, the you should dig deep into your heart and soul each and and every day to be kind, patient, forgiving,protect, trust and never fail the person. If this is the case therefore, live is more than enough for a marriage to stand the test of time. If you live your spouse, that love will give you the strength to be patient with the person when he or she doesn't take out the trash, or clean after themselves. Your love will help you have arguments with each others feelings in mind, live will help you always protect each other, persevere with each other, never fail each other. Love will allow one spouse live with the progress of the other and see it as progress of both, love will even make both parties strive to make each other proud of their efforts.

    Love is not lip service. If you cant be patient, kind, trusting, trustworthy, protect, persevere and all that, then you shouldn't even be married in the first place

    1. Hi Anon! Wow! Thank you for sharing.
      It's the definition of love that's faulty like you said. Gleaned a pearl or two from your comment. Merci beaucoup.


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