
Saturday, August 18, 2018


Growing up and hearing via news and films about certain cases of people who committed murder and them saying a voice in their head told them to do it. I always pondered on that.
Wait, not just murderers, people who survived attempted suicides also said the same thing.
What is this voice? Is it just some excuse they gave?

Now, though I'm still growing, I have come to realize that we all have an inner dialogue. Some people call it our conscience, some say it is the voice of God, other schools of thought say the voice is us i.e. You.
I also believe every action we take, say and so on comes from this inner dialogue. Sometimes, that little voice could be us but sometimes it isn't.

You wake up early in the morning and the first thing that pops into your head is;
"Celine you are such a failure. What is the point of going on with life? Nothing you do ever works."
I know we are all humans but I don't think anyone would want to say that about themselves. It's a little thought that has been planted, it is now left for you to take control of that conversation and change it or feed it and partake in it.
When that negative dialogue starts in the morning, it affects your whole day, sometimes, it progresses past a day into days and weeks.

I also think, controlling what thought pops into our heads, controlling that little voice and the conversations we chose to have somehow defines us and our souls and it is one of the toughest things to do.
No wonder 'Joyce Meyer' wrote a book on it and called it 'the battlefield of the mind'. It is a real battle.

Truthfully, I think we talk with ourselves more than we do with others in a day. A day is little, in our lifetimes. The ratio should be like 90:10. If you don't believe me, think about it. Every time, you think before doing, responding, while watching a movie etc, You talk to yourself too. Every second, you talk to you even when talking with others.
But I believe that some negative thoughts really aren't from us but when you key into that conversation and that channel then you become it.
You could just be watching a movie or driving then bam a thought enters. "Dotun you are just useless."

I think the solution is once that type of thought enters, you counter it with something like "Excuse you, I'm useful. God thinks so too. I have a purpose." Or some other counter. You will notice the convo will end.
I have observed the little voice that brings in the negative always uses the "I" pronoun or your name to make you think you are the one thinking such about you. Please, why would you call yourself derogatory names?
Even all those times, you stand before your mirror and go "I'm ugly, I'm fat, my tummy is like a whale's, My head is too big, I hate my body, I wonder what people see in me? Etc" when you agree, you'll stay on that conversation and channel for a long time. If this is you, stop. We are all different. Imagine if all the birds in the sky looked alike? How can all humans have one look? God loves you as you are. You can eat right, exercise and be healthy but accept you.

I also believe as a Christian that our minds are where Satan, the accuser of the brethren carries out his attack on us. Every time you sin or do something you shouldn't, think back, a thought popped in and you agreed to that thought, believed and did it.
It brings to mind an Igbo idiom my dad always says "Onye kwe, chi ya ekwe." It's the thought you agree to you become, say, do and live. That's why you can't say it was the devil that caused the sin, you agreed to the thought , keyed into it and worked on it. He can only suggest and tempt. Remember, Adam? He had a choice to say no but he believed and fell. We do have freewill.

That's why I think at the root of every feeling of hopelessness, sadness, despair, anxiety, panic, bitterness, suicide, hate etc, lies that little voice that was bought into.
Control that little voice today and try and discern if it is truly yours and if it means well or not. Learn how to speak and think better about yourself to yourself.  No wonder people pray to the Holy Spirit for a spirit of discernment. I think the discernment starts from within us, really.
What's that little voice telling you now? How's your inner conversation?

Thank you for reading my thoughts. What are yours?


  1. You write your thoughts beautifully; that's what I think :)

  2. This is quite true. The use of personal pronouns to destabilize us is very real. More than anything, this is a call to stay vigilant, so thanks Frances


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