
Saturday, December 30, 2017


  In the beginning of each year, asides New Year resolutions, most make plans for the year. Now, the year is ending, they reflect and check if they achieved their goals or not. I just want to tell you, it doesn’t matter if you didn’t.
  It’s easy to focus on the big things you wanted and planned, to look at other people you feel got what you wanted, living the life you want and almost go green with envy. First, you are in competition with no one but yourself. Everyone has a different
life purpose, experiences and choices and will arrive at the destination via a different ways. No reason to be envious.
  Secondly, you are paying attention to the big things that shouldn’t matter and forgetting the little important ones.

  • You can breathe, walk, sleep, use the restroom unaided, see, eat, use your two hands, etc. You are healthy.
  • You have food to eat. No matter how bad things are for you, you do.
  • When there is life there is hope. Your story is still being written. You have a long journey ahead. That it didn’t happen this year, look forward not backwards.
  • You even have data. Lol! You have data on your phone to come online and see this post. Plus you have a Smartphone. 
  • You aren’t where you were four years ago. You have moved forward, no matter how slow that movement looks to you.
  Imagine this scenario; a child tells his dad he wants a new expensive toy and dad keeps telling him “I will but not now.” Kid is so fixated on getting that toy that he doesn’t tell dad thank you for feeding him, clothing him, giving him pocket money, buying him other things. Yes, dad bought him other things but he never acknowledged them because all he wants is that new expensive toy. If you were dad, would you feel happy getting him that toy? A loving dad will still get it for him but how would you feel?
  It’s easy to stay obsessed with the things we want and forget the things we do have. Stay positive towards yourself and this New Year. The New Year has a lot of beautiful and wonderful surprises for you so keep pressing forward.
In all, don’t forget the God you serve.  God’s not done with you.
  Stay grateful, no matter how hard it feels and what you lost this year. What’s gone is gone. Let it all go with this year, so you can make space for what the New Year has for you. Stay positive!
Happy New Year!
Thank you for reading my thoughts. What are yours?


  1. No doubt, it's easy to forget how much we have now. The little things are truly the most important.

    Thanks for this and Happy Holidays.

  2. There is always room for both the "little things" and the "big things". I feel we should pay more attention to what makes us happy and fulfilled. For me, I'll love to bless someone's life. I stay positive hoping to make my world a better place. That's what makes me grateful. I feel that should be our focus this new year and beyond. Live beautiful and stay impactful.
    Happy holidays!


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