
Saturday, November 4, 2017


In life, right from when we’re little we often wonder what people think of us.
I’m sure you’ve asked yourself one or two of these questions;
‘Do they like me?’
‘How do I make them like me?’
‘What will people say when they know this about me?’
‘How do they see me?’
There are lots of questions, I’m sure you’re already thinking of more.

We worry ourselves thinking about other people’s
opinions of us, about our lives, choices and decisions.
It’s a normal feeling because it is human nature to seek and want acceptance from others, it may be from parents, family, friends, peers, strangers, society at large.
One truth is, yes, people will always have opinions about what you do. Another truth is, they’re not talking about you every minute the way you think.
What do I mean by that?
The pronoun ‘I’ is the most used pronoun all over the world for a reason. There are twenty four hours in a day. No one will use up their whole day thinking and talking about you and your decisions, so why should you bother yourself about who they think you are and listen to the names they’ve called you and will call you?

Everyone will tell you who they thinkyou are, who they think you should be, what you should do but what they say about you shouldn’t matter.
Yes, you want them to like and accept you. You should understand that you are you. You may like different things and they’d call you names for liking something different and thinking differently.
Society enjoys telling people based on her own bias and prejudice (if you ask me) how they should look, what they should wear, what age to do things, who is to be called beautiful, the accepted body size, what success is and the list goes on and on.

Forget who people say you are. The most important person on earth to answer that question is you.
Who do you say you are? Who do you see when you look in the mirror? How do you treat you and others?
What do you think? Are you ok with how you look? Are you happy where you are? Does that decision make you happy?
You are the only one that can say who you are. Yes, sometimes people may see an aspect of us that we can’t but I think it’s most times tainted by their expectations, experiences, bias, prejudice and a lot more. How A sees you will be different from B. You will be many things to different people.
Even Socrates said it ‘Man know thyself’ and not ‘Man know who they say you are’.
When you know yourself, love yourself and accept yourself you wouldn’t let what people call you and what they think of you affect you especially if you are certain you did no wrong in that situation and to them.

In a way when they know you know yourself, their opinions of you change and they learn to accept you as you see yourself.
If you’re confused about whom you are, why not ask the one who made you, God and let Him tell you who He thinks you are and not people He made.

Thanks for reading my thoughts. What are yours?

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