
Thursday, November 18, 2021


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We have all heard this cliche sentence, it falls on both genders but i will look at it as it's been used for generations.

If men are hunters what does that make women? Prey?
“A man is a hunter”
“A man loves the chase”

Let’s reason this out a little. We shall refer to man as hunter and woman as prey in this scenario.
A hunter sees a prey; the prey is beautiful and graceful. He wants the prey, so he begins to pursue her. The prey keeps running for dear life. The hunter finally catches the beautiful graceful prey and he goes on to devour her. He renders her useless, tears her down, takes away from her being. He dries parts of her and keeps what’s left.  She is no more beautiful and graceful. (Ever watched National Geographic?) Then as the hunter that he is that loves the thrill of the chase and has needs, hunter goes after another prey and then another. Should the first prey run away and keep letting the hunter chase her? Lmao!
The hunter is selfish, takes what he wants, needs and doesn’t think about the prey. Prey benefits nothing.

In this scenario, let’s call man a farmer, woman an orange seed.
An orange seed falls by the way side and starts growing. Orange lacks water. A farmer walks past, hurrying to find shelter from the sun and sees the tiny shrub like orange that has just sprouted. He wants the Orange. He goes home and brings water for the orange, he waters her, tends her, looks after her. Day after day Orange grows from a tiny shrub into a tree. Farmer doesn’t give up on her, he keeps taking care of her. Orange offers farmer shade from the scorching sun.  Alas, one day the orange bears fruit. Farmer takes some home, sells some. The season passes and fruit goes, farmer keeps at it. For years until the farmer dies, he tends the orange tree and she keeps giving him fruit that feeds his belly,  pocket and keeps giving him shade.

This is the perfect symbiotic relationship, not a selfish one. Farmer played his part consistently and for years, Orange tree played her part consistently and for years too. They gave and in giving they received what they had put in and more.
I think there is power in a name and an adjective you use to describe you.

When we have sons shouldn’t we tell them they are farmers not hunters and make them into that? When we have daughters, tell them “look for a farmer not hunter. You are not a prey to be chased, caught, killed,devoured and abandoned for another.”

If you are man reading this, won’t you rather be a farmer?
If you are a lady, who would you want? Hunter or Farmer?

Thanks for reading my thoughts. What are  yours?

IG: @thefrancesokeke Facebook: Frances Okeke


  1. #sigh. How I wish it was simple. May be it is. The tag 'Hunter' applies to both men and women though. I have come across some pretty aggressive 'Hunters' who were women. I suppose it's a human thing. But the lesson here is clear. Be you a woman or a man, let's nourish and not tear down. We were made for love and loving 😊

  2. nice thought, loving d farmer n orange part. sounds more like the reason we have GROOM and BRIDE, a man is called the groom, in order to Groom the lady into his perfect bride. if u tear ur bride, she will continue to behave like a wounded prey, but if u tame her, she will be ur pet.

  3. Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. shaver


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