
Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Noun: anger; plural noun: angers
1.    1.
a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

synonyms:    annoyance, vexation, exasperation, crossness, irritation, irritability, indignation, pique, displeasure, resentment.
rage, fury, wrath, outrage, temper, road rage, air rage, irascibility, ill temper, dyspepsia, spleen, ill humour, tetchiness, testiness, waspishness;
informal aggravation;
literary ire, choler, bile       

verb: anger; 3rd person present: angers; past tense: angered; past participle: angered; gerund or present participle: angering
1.    1.
fill (someone) with anger; provoke anger in.

 synonyms:    annoy, irritate, exasperate, irk, vex, put out, provoke, pique, gall, displease.   

   Anger! Anger!! Anger!!! It’s an emotion everyone hates. It’s accepted with mixed reactions but what everyone can agree to is that, it is an emotion to be avoided. It’s caused wars, led people to commit crimes, do evil things they are not meant to do, lash out verbally at others.
I have a nagging thought though; IS ANGER BAD?
  In the world today, let’s say you’re in a room and someone has an outburst; take your time to look around at other people’s expressions and remarks about the outburst. I bet you a million pounds you’d hear things like
 ‘ No self control’ ‘ Diva!’ ‘ She has an attitude.’ ‘She’s not matured ‘ No home training’ ‘ Attention seeker’.
 Ok, I could go on and on. I’m not using the female gender to signify anything; you could place a male in the above speeches. 
  Anger is the only form of madness, a brief one that most humans will ever experience. In that state you act irrationally., you do and say things that in a normal state of mind you would never do, you even reveal secrets that you would never reveal.
  Anger is a necessary evil if you ask me. It’s a pity that everyone looks down on people that get angry. They go on and on about how the person embarrassed them and themselves. In today’s world, everything is fake. Anger exists no more. If you attempt to get angry you are seen as immature, archaic, not cultured and all. Today’s life is a life of pretence. Even if someone stabs you in the back, turn around, face them with a smile and say thank you. When you are in the comfort of your room or alone, let loose. You swallow that bile and act like it didn’t matter to you. Just keep swallowing it.  If you like call it piss, peeve, steam, and mildly irritated or the verbs and nouns in the definition above’ they are all anger. It’s like saying it’s not a dog because it’s a Chihuahua and to you a dog should be huge. Today’s world is filled with so much fake smiles through anger that people let the anger fester in their hearts and minds like a sore. And like a sore, it will get worse.
  People in relationships, be it in a family, lovers, work can’t communicate anymore because this major ingredient given to us by God to let loose, get the steam off has been taken off and painted bad. (Yeah you can say it’s a bad gift from the devil. We are made in God’s image like they say and I’ve read plenty times in the Bible where he got angry) so instead of people releasing, what they feel that tears them apart inside in this form, they smile to their partners faces and tell them nothing is wrong. They can’t freely express themselves because they are scared of being judged or losing their partner.
This brings me to the next stage:
  There are different forms of Anger. The height is the tempest or blind temper. I am not referring to this form in this article. I am referring to the mild anger, the controlled one, the good one if you could call it that. Yeah you’re looking at me like can anger really be controlled and be good? Yes it can. The controlled anger to me is what I term as righteous anger. E.g., someone did something horrible to you, it hurt your feelings, they made you feel horrible, you open up your mouth though in an outburst of heightened emotions and tell them what they did and how it made you feel. You don’t insult them or try to make them feel bad by bringing up something they did in the past. You just state the present, without sugar or salt to it. Or you are in a certain place in your life and the anger of being in that place rises in you and pushes you to find a way out. Well, Nigerians need to use this form of anger if you ask me. They swallow and take everything handed to them by the rulers whilst they, the masses sit and smile singing ‘It’s in God’s hands.’
  There is absolutely nothing wrong in being angry. Anger can lead to change; it can bring about motivation, inspiration and a needed catalyst. It’s a God given emotion when used in the right way
  To me anger is releasing how you feel. The truth which they’d never tell you is that anger can be therapeutic for some people. We avoid speaking up in order not to tarnish how people perceive us. It’s been said that people who get angry have a low self esteem. That’s so not true. I respect people that can turn around and tell you, that thing you said or did I don’t like it. The person being addressed always sees it as anger. So there is good anger and bad anger, it all depends on what you say in that moment and what you do. A school of thought would tell you, when you are angry walk away from the room. Do you know released pent up emotions can be good for your body?
  You see and hear cases of people bearing grudges for years, which the person they bear the grudge for can’t even remember what happened and they never knew they did that or that the grudge bearer felt that way. It is a sore that has turned into a huge wound. Some, even suffer illness be it stroke or whatever because they carried their anger. They held it close and thought about it a lot. You see, unspoken emotions can kill you. They say anger is bad and one shouldn’t get angry. It’s like saying crying is bad and one shouldn’t cry ever. That’s just unnatural. If you’re like me, you hate to get angry but sometimes you can’t help but say your mind and then you get angry that you were angry, lol! But in the end, it’s off your chest and five minutes later, you’re smiling like nothing happened. Well, that’s until you get the speech and society conformation manual.  That was the younger me. Yeah, I just added a year.
  In my next article, I will continue the anger talk; about why anger isn’t bad, the effects of anger, how to reduce anger, use anger and every other thing anger. Cheers!

P.S: As like all other content in the blog, this article is based on my thoughts; it’s your prerogative to agree or disagree. Thank you!



  1. Well illustrated..
    Anger!!!! UnAvoidable human Attribute with unpredictable result if let-lossed.. Good Anger according to you isn't easy if one aint prepared his/her mind because "Speaking" alone ignite anger @ its mood..

    1. Hi RRS! Thank you. Yes it is only if it isn't the first time, ok sometimes. Though some people get angry out of some inefficiency they feel within. It doesn't apply to everyone though. Cheers!

  2. Nice piece. But if truth. Is not easy to manage anger to som ppl. I'd rather tell u a piece of my mind there n then than pretend that all is well while I boil inside

    1. Hi Mareen, i share your sentiments too. True, it isn't easy. Cheers!


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