
Wednesday, October 3, 2018


  Ije had had her bad luck with men. She’d seen them all and she was tired. Luckily ,Love wasn’t done with her. Jesse came along and they fell madly in love. Ije couldn’t believe it. He was perfect. Everything she’d always wanted in a man. That little voice in her head kept her looking for warning signs. Jesse was handsome and the ladies loved him. He loved to socialise and the ladies swarmed round him like bees every time.  Jesse was madly in love with Ije, she was the only woman he had asked out. He always looked for ways to get away from the women to get to her. Ije didn’t know all these. Certain women amongst them made more serious moves. Ije began to wonder if there was something going on between one or two of them and Jesse. Her mind went wild with it. She tried hard not to show it. She didn’t doubt him nor mistrust him but she was scared. She wondered if he was going to leave her for one of them, if she wasn’t interesting enough. She tried hard not to let it bother her. She didn’t know if asking him straight up was the answer or finding a way to table it.
  Every time without planning it, the questions would slip "When last did you speak to her?" "Are you guys such close friends?"  "When last did you see her?" Jesse didn’t understand she wasn’t questioning his fidelity but her insecurities from her past relationships were catching up with her. He never helped matters; he never reassured her as a woman should be that she was his number one.
 The questions kept coming every time. Jesse got angry with her. He felt she really didn’t trust him.

  Jealousy is no respecter of person. You’d see men and women from the different strata of society that go through their partner’s things. They try to read between the lines. They follow their partners around. If a member of the opposite sex so much as smiles at their partners their antennae goes up and the suspicions start building in their minds.

  Jealousy is human nature. We are made in God's image after all. But i think there is healthy and unhealthy jealousy. How you let the jealousy consume you is what matters. That someone else pays attention to your partner doesn’t mean your partner is cheating unless your partner is the doer. Even then, they might just be friends. Healthy jealousy makes you realise your partner is a catch and you don't doubt their trust. It makes you sit up and be a better partner. Unhealthy jealousy, starts destroying that trust, introducing suspicions and weird behaviour on your part.

  If someone else finds your partner attractive and fun to be with, you should be singing ‘isn't she lovely, isn't she...’ because she comes home to you at night, he does same, you are the person she spends Valentine with, the person she tells her worries and vice versa. It should even make you grateful that this person chose you and make you treat your partner better and not take them for granted. Keep them interested, maybe you’ve grown too comfortable and you don’t look sexy anymore,you don’t bath for a day, you wear the baggies more,you are growing a pouch mister ,you don’t give it like you used too and you don’t go out on dates. Wake up before the new friend they got innocently wakes them up first.
  If you are the one with the jealous partner, then thank your stars your partner still likes you enough to get jealous. When you should really get worried is when they don’t bat an eyelid at all. Maybe you tell him you’re going out for drinks with a man ,even if it’s a business drink and he doesn’t ask who and where you going and vice versa, then you should just pack your bags and leave. No human being no matter how logical, strong and all that doesn’t get jealous, no matter how hard they try to hide it, when it comes to the man or woman they are in love with.
  You could help kill the jealousy by reassuring your partner (yes ,they are human). Introduce them to this person and all. That you love them doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have friends of your sex.

  Ermm, if it gets physical or obsessive this jealousy of theirs, it is time to run for your life if the reassuring and all else doesn’t work.  If you are a woman and he raises his hands on you every time you smile at another man or talk to one, take off your heels and run for your life. That is unhealthy jealousy and it is not your fault. If they expect you not to talk to or be friends with people of a gender different from yours then that's unhealthy.

  We all get a little bit jealous sometime. This brings me to my pondering. If you are jealous will you tell your partner? Won’t you be scared that they’d think you don’t trust them? Don’t you also think they’d take advantage of your feelings if they knew how jealous you were? Won’t you be thought of as small minded and petty and lose respect before their eyes? Is telling them healthy? I know as the writer, I should have answers to all these for you but  would love to hear from your personal experiences and thoughts. So, which of the above would you think and do? Have you ever been jealous?

Thank you for reading my thoughts. What are yours?

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  1. Hey hon, I read this piece, well told story but in my opinion, I think we got it a little twisted. Yes we are created in God's image but we are not God almighty! Just like ur shadow is an image of light reflected on you but still isn't totally you, God is the only one who is totally faithfully, Good & true to us in an unconditional love. We humans could not be termed to have unconditional love, for our selfishness is born in flesh, mine, mine, mine. God let's us love one another & only demands we don't try to Replace him with anything. Then again he created us, can you create your mate? Can you command their hearts? Can you fix them when you think they are broken & need fixing? No you turn to God in prayer on their behalf interceding for intervention, "if u could do that which only God can then you might have the right to be jealous". There are two types of jealousy, one is born out of insecurities, the other envy, neither is healthy. learn to understand who you really are, what you want & or don't, what you can take/bear in a relationship & what you won't, try never to put ur misgivings, hurt, past or pain on another. If you find them wanting or wavering in the stand of integrity, then know that you can not change nor fix them, they are broken. Staying to make it right/work is an excuse to have someone to blame for your unhappiness, it is a lie to convince yourself that you can change them, you are begging them to see you, love you, be with you & it will end very badly, if u are such a person you should seek help because its obvious you love to be in pain & remain unhappy playing victim, 'Man up' value your self, one person out there if not more are looking for you as you are, to love respect, hold, cherish you for all their life with you, so don't short change yourself with bargaining & settling for I'm jealous because I love him/ her or vice versa, trust is the foundation of relationships if there's no trust there's no relationship, if your trust has be broken, break off from the one who broke that trust. Trust me they are not going to stop breaking your trust unless God intervenes, Please find away to bury the trust issues with the culprit, don't carry it over because you might just break the other person with your insecurities, if you look hard for evidence of infidelity you will find something no matter how infinitesimal, it might be you who would magnify it because you believed it was there & in there put to practice the law of attracting the things you want! Be very careful not to lose yourself completely that your entire make up of life is centered around the subject of your object of "jealousy"

  2. jealousy is negative and since it is negative it cannot be good in whatever quantity you want it to be. Secondly, its advisable to be upfront with the scars of your past relationship just so the other person knows what he/she is dealing with, thirdly,before you know who to be in a relationship with you would need to know can only ask for perfection if you are and learn, roll with the punches but clearly define yourself and never stoop below your level

  3. Wow. Personally, I think that jealousy is a nondetachable part of every relationship, especially if it is a relationship that is heading to the altar. Even mates who are FWBs still have some element of jealousy in their rather non-committal relationship. However, in this case I honestly feel that jealousy in relationships is two fold.
    One, for the jealous partner, do you really have strong reasons to be jealous? Is your jealousy always because of trivial issues? Has it become a part of you? Does Jealousy personify you? Do you show signs of insecurity at every little instance?

    For the affected partner, do you give reasons for your mate to be overly jealous? Do you deliberately trigger jealousy attitudes? Do you reassure your partner, making sure that there is a clear distinction between who you are dating and who you are friends with?

    Like someone earlier mentioned, do not bring old baggage into new homes. You had trust issues in your previous relationships, DROP IT BEFORE YOU ENTER A NEW ONE.

    You had insecurity problems, DROP IT.

    One hand can not effectively wash itself or other things. You need two hands.

    Self appraisal is important. Ask yourself, what do I need to work on? What do I need to change about me?

    Adios amigos.

    And with that... I'm out


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