
Sunday, August 14, 2016


I woke up thinking about it ‘If Jesus were to write a letter to the church in Nigeria what would he say?’ So here goes the letter;

                                                                                                      Christ’s kingdom way,

Dear Church,

  My spirit cries with what I see. I came to magnify the old laws and change some. I am a Jew. I see a religion formed in my name but it doesn’t keep my ways. Why are you divided, there are so many denominations? I see you using the memoirs of my time on earth for your personal gain. You distort them. My words are being used to lie and deceive.
   Why do some churches say only their members will see my kingdom? Why do you ask your members to marry only each other? Why is there discrimination amongst you, your Christian brothers and other religions? Every man was made in my image. In my time, I ate with and welcomed foreigners, gentiles, Samaritans though I was a Jew.
Why is there murder amongst you? You do not keep the old commandments by my father or the new.
My mother kept me even though she was confused and scared. Why is there abortion in the church? You abort me, my image.
   Why do you compete amongst you who is richer? My teachings are now about wealth, what happened to talking to your memebers about morality? They commit fornication, adultery, lie, steal and so many other things and walk into the church and you speak about wealth and what they want to hear. 
   You own properties everywhere, what happened to charity to the poor? You welcome only the rich and those who steal from the masses. Why are you not telling them stealing is a sin? You revere them because they're in power. You amass money and you say it’s to spread my teachings on TV when the poor lives just beside you and can’t afford to eat a meal. You live in mansions, own private jets and you say you work for me. On earth I owned nothing, gave to the poor, taught my disciples to share and live communally. 
   Why do you say prayers are the women's duty? What of the men? Why have you succeeded in treating women like second class citizens in the church? I loved my mother, Mary, Martha and all the women, i even admonished one for spending all her time cleaning and cooking than with me and living. They weren't put on earth to be slaves to men.  What are you doing?
  The spirit of forgiveness is missing. I welcomed sinners and loved them. 
To follow me is a personal choice.  My teaching is peace and love for God and your neighbour. Your neighbour is every being on earth. 
If you say Christianity means to follow me, then follow me in truth and do as I would do in your personal life. 
Peace be unto you.
                                                                                                                    Your Saviour,
                                                                                                                      Jesus Christ.

What do you think He'd say?


  1. Touching piece.

  2. That would be the letter he will down to all in naija..Lord have mercy on us o..

  3. Really touching and interesting

  4. Christ knows all this wuld happen, remember he says judgement wuld start from his house. Remember he says many wuld come with false teaching in my name,... We r not in best position to say wat and wat pple do, God knows best, so let him judge.


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