
Wednesday, July 24, 2013


  What does the term ‘Having it all’ mean? For us women, it is defined as having a great career plus a man. Some say it is having the fame, a great body, a good-looking partner, money and a baby. ‘Having it all’ has also been divided into seven categories or must haves: wealth, prosperity, fulfilling purpose, love, health, connection to self and spirit, and breathing room. They have been termed the components of a balanced life.  Generally, it does boil down to two: having a great relationship and having a great career.
  Sometimes, you see people point at a woman and say ‘she has it all.’ She has beauty, brains and a career. The amazing thing is you hear this from men, ‘she has it all, what more can I offer?’ They feel intimidated by the independent woman. If you are in a relationship with someone like this maybe it is time to cut him or her loose.
 Of course, she has it all but she needs you. You are a plus to her having it all. They have all that but you. There are many men out there, who do not get intimidated. They celebrate, value and give you that push you need when you feel you are slipping by being there for you. Therefore, why stay with someone who feels threatened by you? The answer is we were taught that to have it all we must have a man. Do you really have it all when you are not happy with what you have? Successful men, love independent women by their sides; the power couple. You think you cannot have this or you believe you do not deserve it all? Of course you do. Never sell yourself short. Most of us have this in our subconscious, the belief that we do not deserve it and feel guilty when everything is good for us.
  You need to let go of any limiting beliefs about ‘having it all’ and finding the right one for you. You deserve a partner who supports, understands and encourages you.
  We often ask ‘why don’t I have it all?’ you need to sit back and ask yourself; what is my definition of ‘having it all’?’ what do I want? Am I happy in my professional life? The people in my life right now are they dragging me down? Are they part of the picture I see for myself? Yes, you can but you have to prioritize. You have to make room in your life for the partner of your dreams and that dream career. You get what you put in. Thank God for technology, so many things have been made easy. You cannot be too busy to have it all. If that work is killing you and you have no time for yourself, you really have to ask yourself; do I want this? In addition, learn to balance your life. Yes, it will be hard but always keep that dream in mind. ‘Having it all’ is going to take real effort on your part. Sometimes you will feel like quitting and the negative thoughts would crop back in ‘kill it.’ All your decisions should be based on ‘is this what I want for myself?’ One advice, do be realistic, do not wait all your life for a prince in the literal sense of the word. Do not pass through life in a motion. Know what you want and aim for it. Find a balance; some things and some people have to go.
  If you are happy with your life, where you are now, what makes you feel you do not have it all? I say this because the definition varies for different people. When you know what you want, prioritizing becomes easy. Did I forget, pray to your God? Do not forget heaven helps those who help themselves. Yes, I will say it again, you can have it all, the life you want; a great job, great friends and a great spouse. When you believe it, see it, work towards it. Do not expect to fold your hands, sit in your dead end job that you do not like and expect a change. Relationships take time so does a career. Do not go for what people think and expect you to have. Real women do not do that.
  Therefore, let me ask you the right question again, what do you want?


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