
Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Have you ever heard that Vision brings provision? I heard that a while back at a lecture given by a successful business man who owns a bank and it got me thinking. He tried explaining to us that he started with nothing but he knew what God wanted him to do, he knew he wanted to own a bank some day but he only had a vision. He started working towards it and the doors opened and the things he needed for it started coming to him one after the other.
Hmmmn, you might say it’s magic or he had the connections, maybe, maybe not. The connections wouldn’t have come if he hadn’t said loud and clear this is what I want to do and he didn’t stop there, he started doing it.
Let me use a favorite history story of mine to illustrate.
I will not spill the whole thing because it’s not possible. We all remember the slave trade era stories? The slaves grumbled, they were tired, they wanted to be treated like human beings, they were angry too. In the beginning they were too scared to do anything about their situation. To them their masters were stronger and smarter but as the time went on they realized bullets killed these people as it did them. "We are all the same then why do they treat us this way?" 
  Their anger reached the fore and that vision of becoming free was spurred into action. There were stories of slaves escaping and were never found. Many movements were formed though in hiding. When they made a move, they found white men that were willing to help them. Let’s look at the Underground Railroad for example, not all its members were blacks. As the agitation continued thanks to this vision of them being equals, more whites supported them and then slave trade was abolished.  
  They realized they weren’t really equals. They couldn’t do certain jobs, go to some schools, some areas were restricted to blacks and they had to stand up for whites if there were no more seats in a bus etc.  their vision wasn’t complete ,they continued and the provision kept being supplied ,freedom groups  were  everywhere ,Rosa Parks taking charge became a big provision, so their eyes were on how to use it, along came the pastor from the country and this civil group offered him a position and he took it. This Pastor, Martin Luther King Jr. became their biggest voice, he inspired other blacks in seeing this vision and people round the world to plead for their case. They won and today that vision of theirs made the provision for a black man to become the American president for two terms.

  If you think vision doesn’t bring provision when acted upon, then you need to read up on successful people or go meet one you know and ask questions.
I don’t intend to be a pastor but it is so true that God will never ever give you a talent nor ask you to do something that seems big to you if he doesn’t intend to provide you with help. If you know that vision you have, that thing you want to do and you do nothing about it and wait for a sign or for something to happen, it never will. You need to take a leap of faith and be stubborn enough to believe in yourself and your vision and take an action no matter how little towards it, then and only then will the solutions be provided for you, your provision for that vision is on the way.
Ok another example, your vision is to become a business mogul like Dangote but for the last ten years you’ve been in a comfort zone, working in a bank and receiving a monthly salary while the directors of that bank make a killing from your sweat and you sing to yourself,
 "just one more year, I need enough money before I set out and besides I am learning a lot on this job." 
That’s great! I am so sure not all the directors know squat about that job or the banking world itself.  

 So, if you have a vision, just believe and take a step, your needed provision will come when needed at every stage. Life is a choice; choose the right one for your vision. Remember life is short, if you don’t make that move now, you might never make it if tomorrow never comes for you plus you'd regret it later and wonder "What if?". Take a first step.

Thank you for reading my thought. What are yours?


  1. As always.another inspiring and true write up.keep ČŠ̝̊̅† up


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