
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Motivation Tuesday: GIVING UP

  Sometimes, it seems like the easiest thing to do. You just want to stop struggling and survive. The weight is just too much for you to carry and you wonder why bother. There are many situations that cause this and bring us to this state. It might be going to school, a marriage or you decided to give up your job and set out on your own.
  You keep struggling but it’s like the forces keep growing in size. You overcome one tiny giant and a two headed giant appears, you conquer him and another with four heads attacks you, it goes on and on. It can be really brutal both emotionally and physically. You ask yourself is this thing worth fighting for. Is it really worth it?
  This would be my shortest post ever but know one thing. It’s always at those times we feel like throwing away the shovel that Gold is about to be struck. Success in anything in life is about perseverance, it’s not always roses, even roses have thorns in them. All the winners and successful people in history stuck to their guns even when people mocked them and called them stupid. In the end, they succeeded because they forged on and believed in themselves when others didn’t and they were celebrated by those same people. If you doubt me read up on Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Tom hanks, Charles Dickens, Graham Bell, Leonardo da Vinci, Oprah Winfrey, the list is long. Do your research and if I’m lying, feel free to throw it in my face.
  Don’t give up now, forge on, success is just around the corner. Cheers!
Thank you for reading my thoughts. What are yours?


  1. Good article Frances. Straight to the point. It is not how long an article is that matter but what impact has it made on your reader. For lazy readers like myself, we believe in "the shorter the better" Lol!

  2. Thank you wealthbuilders! Lol @ lazy readers.

  3. The shorter the better (lol) nice and straight to the koko of the matter. Much needed at a time like this. Thank you

  4. Am always thrilled by your articles. You are surely going places!


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