Monday, May 7, 2012


Our imagination is one of the greatest weapons ever. There is no man made machine that can surpass it. I know the things I imagine on a daily basis. The fact that every person on the planet earth has an active imagination different from
mine is awesome. Often I think of the imagination as a safety cushion, God gave us. In that imagination you can do, anything and everything you want but never have to do them in reality. Think of every book, every novel you have ever read, every movie, every cartoon, song, artwork as people’s imagination. It all comes from the imagination. Yes, I guess not everyone has an avid imagination. Some people’s imaginations are more developed than others’ are. Just sit still for a moment; you would be amazed at the things that would cross your imagination. It now depends on you, to build on whatever it is there and heighten it. From that came that novel in your hand, that movie you dashed off to the cinemas to go see. It is amazing believe me. Why do I say, the imagination is a safety cushion? You have an abusive parent or partner. Do you know what would be in your imagination? You imagine standing up to them, running away, striking back or possibly killing them. You imagine the different ways and angles you do this. I guess in this situation you might have to stand up but not kill. You never do it. It is all in your head. You have an abusive boss, you imagine how you call him to order and all the things you want to say or do to that boss. You have the hots for someone you should not; you keep it to your imagination. The imagination can be destructive or inventive depending on the person. For the writers, artists and other creative people, they imagine so they transfer that imagination into their work and we are all amazed and enjoy the output of their imagination. For that serial killer and rapist, they imagine it, play around it in their minds, they simply cannot wait to find out if it would feel the same in reality. They kill and rape their first victims and they continue, hence they become serial. The Bible and the church say if you look at a woman lustfully then you have committed adultery if you are married or fornication if you are not. I say it is only human. If I see a man, I like now and I am so attracted to him, so I imagine him kissing me and all that. Even imagine the sex in my mind but I never do it in reality .Ok, let us say he is my friend’s boyfriend or husband. I tried so hard not to imagine it but I do and I decide to give free reign to that imagination but I never ever take any steps to make it a reality, doesn’t that make me a good person? I think I understand what the Church is saying. The mind is so powerful that you imagine and imagine, it grows and grows until one day it decides to step outside your mind and you do it in reality. They say your imagination and what you think inside it, makes you. If you are going to be successful or not it starts from your mind, your imagination and what you see for yourself. The better things you see, the better things you get because your mind would work towards achieving that imagination. You can say your imagination is your dreams. What you want that desire. Well, I am no scientist or psychologist but these are my thoughts. You cannot be rich tomorrow, if you never imagined being rich yesterday and worked for it today. The imagination is great. When you imagine something, you want it every time you imagine it more and more, whether you realise it or not, your brain and your will works towards achieving this, even the universe sees it. Ask a writer if he never imagined what he wrote. Of course he did. The same thing goes for a serial killer. All the known serial killers tell you, they imagined it first and just had to know what it would feel like in reality. You cannot say a president never dreamt they would become one. They dreamt and imagined what it would feel like that; they worked towards it gradually until they achieved it. My logic might be wrong, it might be right. What can I say but watch what you imagine. That man that cheated on his wife can never say they never imagined it in their minds. They had thought about it. Well, your imagination makes you who you are and who you would be. It sets a foundation for your actions tomorrow. Well, often times I cannot help but indulge in my imagination, only human. I see the imagination as a seed. You water it and make sure it has sunlight. It builds its roots underground until one day, a tiny leaf breaks the surface of the earth and it grows and grows. You can see the below surface as the imagination and the tree above the soil as the reality. Therefore, you see everything that is planted will grow. When we let our imagination run wild, we have what they call moral decadence and as some people call it, signs of the end time. Like I said, no manmade machine beats the imagination or what do you think? This is my thought on it, you are free to disagree or agree. I love the Imagination.


  1. Wow.nice one.still reeling from dis

  2. I so agree wit u..Dis is luvly.

    1. Thanks for agreeing with me, your views would also be appreciated.

  3. Nice one in deed

  4. "If I see a man, I like now and I am so attracted to him, so I imagine him kissing me and all that. Even imagine the sex in my mind but I never do it in reality .Ok, let us say he is my friend’s boyfriend or husband. I tried so hard not to imagine it but I do and I decide to give free reign to that imagination but I never ever take any steps to make it a reality, doesn’t that make me a good person?"
    No it doesn't because, the only difference between you and the person who did it is that u didnt have the chance. giving free reign to the thought is the same as doing it. so its better u don't give free reign to this thought.

    1. Tis a fictitious e.g . what if there were opportunities to make it a reality but i never took it out of honour and loyalty?


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